Better returns on your leadership development

Discover where you and your organization needs to improve in order to enable great leadership.

What is leadership assessment?

Leadership assessment is a way to understand to which extent leaders are able to practice great leadership predictably in their given context.

When assessing leadership, we look not only at the individuals intended to lead, but also at the team and organization in order determine how easily the outcomes of great leadership can and are being produced.

Here are the dimensions we consider when assessing leadership:


Sense of self

How do leaders understand and perceive themselves, their mindsets and assumptions?

Sense of context

How do leaders understand what is expected of them, what they are measured on and how they're doing?


How well do leaders master the skills, processes, tools and systems enabling daily prioritization of leadership?


Team health

How is the team doing in terms of focus, alignment, control, psychological safety and other indicators of team health?

Team culture

How well does the team culture embody the traits that will promote team health and well-functioning over time?

Leadership effectiveness

What is the perception of the effectiveness of individual leaders and leadership in general?


Climate and culture

How does the organizational climate and culture promote leadership and team health?

Strategy and evaluation

What strategies are in place for the development and evaluation of talent and leadership?


How are leaders supported with the time, resources, know-how and tools required to be effective?

Would you like some help breaking down and assessing these dimensions within your organization?

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Who uses leadership assessment results?

The results of leadership assessments are used by various stakeholders within an organization.

These are the key users of leadership assessment results:

  1. Assessed leaders

    The assessed leaders are the ones taking an active role in assessing themselves as a part of the leadership assessment.

    Assessed leaders use results to gain insights and self-awareness into their leadership strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and developmental areas. This allows them to make targeted improvements in order to become more effective leaders.

  2. Leadership support

    Leadership support includes HR, leader's leader, leadership development teams, executive coaches, mentors and other roles designated to helping a leader perform.

    The support team uses results to gain insights into the support requirement and blind spots of individuals and groups. This allows them to better target training and tools to where leaders require and are motivated to receiving support.

  3. Decision makers

    Decision makers includes the C-suite and board of directors.

    Decision makers use results to inform strategic planning, organizational restructuring, or the allocation of resources for leadership development initiatives. The results help them assess the organization's leadership bench strength, identify critical gaps, and make informed decisions about talent investment and succession planning.

Are you looking to gain more insight into leadership in your organization so you can make better decisions on behalf of yourself and others?

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How we conduct assessments

We believe that assessing the health and well-functioning of leadership should be an ongoing process rather than just a one-off initiative.

As a result, we conduct our leadership assessments a little differently to what has been the industry tradition:

How people participate

Rather than conduct a battery of tests over a fixed period of time, participants spend 15 - 30 minutes each week on the assessments that are specifically relevant to them and their roles.

This approach has multiple benefits:

  • Participants get the chance to reflect, mature and improve in-between assessment sessions.
  • Your culture of evaluation, feedback, transparency and alignment is strengthened.
  • You don't need to to take people out of what they’re doing, or halt and postpone ongoing projects in order to start accumulating leadership insights.

How assessments are structured

Our assessments are organized into programs, which are a collection of assessment types designed to focus on a specific leadership domain.

In our programs, you will find different types of assessments intended for different purposes.

You can find an extensive list of ready-made programs and and assessment types in our library.


Enable individuals to give their personal opinon.

Health checks

Enable groups of people to align around an evaluation


Determine mastery of responsibilities


Determine mastery of skills


Determine mastery of process steps


Select assessments

Select the assessments that are relevant to your team, and customize them to your needs.


Assign assessments

Assign the assessment expectations to relevant individuals or role holders.


Review results

Review the results as they start pouring in, and use them to inform your leadership development initiatives.

How assessments are managed

Assessments are managed within the Wecomplish platform, a holistic system for assessing organizational health and managing organizational development.

The platform is used to select the assessments relevant to your team, customize them to your needs, or even build your own.

Once the assessments are set up, users log their input, and the results are presented with different levels of granularity for different types of stakeholders.

Are you looking to establish a culture of continous reflection and data-driven leadership insights?

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